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Race in America - Part 2 - 4 Big Questions

I posted a video about race a while back, and it generated quite a bit of conversation, and quite a few follow-up questions. So I'm back with a new video to try to answer some of the most frequently asked questions from viewers of the first video. I picked four big questions:

1. "What about family breakdown and fatherlessness? Isn't that a big issue in black communities?" 2. "What about the welfare system? Haven't gov't programs done damage?" 3. "Why do you say WE did this?? I didn't do ANY of this stuff!" 4. And finally... "Okay, I CARE. But what can I actually DO?"

At 26 minutes, the video got longer than I intended. But there is some really interesting stuff that I didn't know until I started doing the research. So settle in and give it a watch. It's a bit long, but it's WORTH it!

4 comentários

02 de mai. de 2021

I get the point of the video, but you are making some very egregious statistical mistakes and historical omittances.


  1. You note that blacks "only" get 1/3 of government spending. You also need to point out that they make up only 13% of the population. Doing the math, then they are getting ~2.5 times the rate of welfare spending. (~18:00)

  2. You also note that 70% of the spending is on white and Latinos. Why are you conflating these two groups. An honest presentation would note the separate rates of spending for each group.

  3. You note that the rate of out of wedlock births "increased at a higher rate among whites". Well, again this is a math issue. Whites started (and…


05 de set. de 2020

Again, thank you so much for this follow-up video. Would you be willing to post the citations for this one, too? The citations from part 1 were extremely helpful!


03 de set. de 2020

I love you for making these! T H A N K Y O U ! ! !


Amanda Rintisch
Amanda Rintisch
26 de ago. de 2020

Thank you for doing another video! They're so engaging and easier to get people to watch a short, animated video then it is to get them to listen to a podcast.

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