Calvin University history professor Kristin Kobes Du Mez joins Skye Jethani to discuss her bestselling book, “Jesus & John Wayne.” In this episode, they examine why white evangelicalism left behind some of its militant rhetoric after the Cold War ended in the early 1990s to embrace a kinder, gentler approach epitomized by the Promise Keepers movement, and how an aggressive vision of Christian masculinity returned after September 11, 2001. Plus, why an emphasis on racial reconciliation ultimately doomed Promise Keepers, and how other ministries learned to avoid any talk about race or justice.
Part 1 - Promise Keepers and Therapeutic Christianity Part 2 - Servant Leaders and Racial Reconciliation (15:36) Part 3 - Purity Culture and Fragile Masculinity (32:47) Part 4 - 9/11 and the Neo-Calvinists (48:38)
Jesus & John Wayne: How White Evangelicals Corrupted a Faith and Fractured a Nation: https://amzn.to/3l6mkH
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I grew up in Texas and know how to use a bullwhip. If you need a less sissified bullwhip sound effect... just let me know.
I've been listening to this along with the "Rise & Fall of Mars Hill" podcast by Christianity Today. It's been interesting to see the parallels (and even the link to "New Calvinism" mentioned in your previous episode, as Mark Driscoll identified strongly as a New Calvinist during the events of the CT podcast). I find that the truths that you're talking about in this podcast give me hope--that the church can learn to embrace truth and turn away from abusive, unchristlike leaders--in spite of the sadness that I feel as I reflect on our past and present.
Laugh at me. Pronouncing "nuclear" borders on political now. Only an American (only a Republican?) pronounces it noo-cue-lar. The rest of us STILL say "noo-klee-ar". Come back to the True Way, Skye! :b
Wait, wait, what does she mean Bill McCartney converted from Catholicism to Evangelicalism? I pretty sure Bill didn’t covert to evangelicalism but to following Jesus as his Lord and Savior. Why didn’t you challenge that Skye?
Okay, I know this is completely unrelated, but please talk about in the heights on the movie proposal, it is SOOOOO good.