Calvin University history professor Kristin Kobes Du Mez joins Skye Jethani to continue discussing her bestselling book, "Jesus & John Wayne." In this episode, they discuss how evangelicalism fought to maintain traditional authority structures in the home and society, except when those authority structures didn't fit their own political interests which ultimately led to the rise of the Religious Right.
Part 1 - Feminism and Family Values (2:18)
Part 2 - Reconstructionism and the Religious Right (29:13)
Jesus & John Wayne: How White Evangelicals Corrupted a Faith and Fractured a Nation: https://amzn.to/3l6mkHT
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This brought back a lot of memories. I am out from under that influence
Great interviews Skye with Dr. Kristin Kobes Du Mez on her book! I read and loved her book! For my non-reader friends though, I'm sending the podcast series their way!
I rewrote the holy post theme song, might wanna take it into consideration
Skye... in your description of the "70s man", you described my (Canadian) Dad in ways he would probably find disturbingly familiar. I think you grokked the headspace there.
Please have pastor Tim Oas on the podcast, you could talk to him about the struggles of starting a new church and getting an actual building right when COVID hit. He is also part of the band "The West Coast Feed" which had one song produced by the guy who produces imagine dragons and the killers. I beg you.