*Please be aware that this episode deals with sensitive topics, including suicide and child/adolescent mortality.*
In the wake of the elementary school massacre in Uvalde, Texas, David French and Skye Jethani spend the whole episode debating what can be done to curb gun deaths in America. While they find some agreement around “Red Flag” laws and making gun owners liable for the misuse of their weapons, French doesn’t support an assault weapons ban or requiring training and evaluation before purchasing a gun.
With guns now the leading cause of death for kids and teens in America, Skye says it’s time for Christians to explore all possible solutions, including amending the Constitution, similar to the pro-life movement’s approach to ending abortion. David French says the 2nd Amendment must be protected as a basic human right. Both agree, however, that the status quo is not acceptable.
Holy Post episode 423: “Is America’s Gun Culture a Blessing or Curse? with David French” - https://www.holypost.com/post/episode-423-is-america-s-gun-culture-a-blessing-or-curse-with-david-french
“Pass and Enforce Red Flag Laws. Now.”- https://frenchpress.thedispatch.com/p/pass-and-enforce-red-flag-laws-now?s=r“
Guns are now the leading cause of death for American children” - https://news.yahoo.com/guns-now-leading-cause-death-190042943.html
Advisory Opinions episode: “Mass Shootings and the Law” - https://advisoryopinions.thedispatch.com/p/mass-shootings-and-the-law?s=r#details
I believe gun control is a necessity. It is necessary that weapons could be purchased only from officials, not on the street. For example, if you are interested, you can take a look at https://gunsnation.com/. I think you can find quite a lot of interesting information on this topic here. I was told that here the price corresponds to the quality.
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I found this episode interesting, as a Canadian Military Officer who is trained to use firearms with deadly force as required by my duties but also had to take a course and register for a license to purchase and use firearms the issue of gun control in America has always made me question the logic behind David's argument. The basics of it is that the problem with guns in America is so bad that regulating them infringes on an individual's rights to protection. In essence the Cancer has spread so much that treatment is useless. If that is truly the case then drastic action is needed and while small scale evidence shows the gun control laws do not decrease gun…
I really enjoy listening to your podcast! I especially love that you guys are not afraid to have different views and opinions on your show. My only concern is when giving your gun control argument you say several times “from a Christian perspective”. It sounds very much like you are saying if someone doesn’t think about the topic the same way as you then they are not thinking about it from a Christian perspective. This is very much like people saying ”well if you are a Christian you have to believe that all abortions should be banned”. I agree with many of your ideas. However, I think as Christians we need to stop saying things like “from a Christian perspective,…
I know you guys already responded to the comments on this episode, but I wanted to comment on one of David’s arguments. He said that he was against laws where it would people take time before they get a gun or take a class because it would delay the ability of woman who is concerned about an abusive situation who wants to defend herself from a man to purchase a weapon. I’m reading Beating Guns by Shane Claiborne and Michael Martin. They cite that if there is a gun in the home, a woman is 5x more likely to become a victim of domestic homicide, even if she was the one to purchase the firearm. To me, this disproves his…