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Episode 533: Why Do We Struggle with the Sabbath? with Ruth Haley Barton

Updated: Nov 7, 2022

Elon Musk announced his takeover of Twitter by carrying a porcelain sink into the headquarters. Will his plan to loosen restrictions on social media help or hurt the country? Archeologist have discovered a new way to verify events in the Old Testament, but Phil wonders if anyone really cares. And is it ever loving for Christians to mock their opponents? The gang examines six rules for Christian mockery from the 17th century and why they may not apply today.

Then, spiritual director Ruth Haley Barton explains how she came to see sabbath as a gift rather than an obligation. Her new book, “Embracing Rhythms of Work and Rest,” looks at why we struggle to practice sabbath rest, the challenge of technology, and how to make sabbath a lifestyle and not just a weekly discipline. Plus, the saving power of worm spit.

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News Segment

0:00 - Intro

5:08 - Worm spit

9:12 - Elon Musk and Twitter

18:57 - Geomagnetic fields and Biblical narratives

29:46 - Rules for Christian mockery

45:21 - Sponsor: Biola University’s Talbot School of Theology

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Interview with Ruth Haley Barton

“Embracing Rhythms of Work and Rest: From Sabbath to Sabbatical and Back Again” -

Ruth Haley Barton -

46:33 - Interview intro

49:09 - Spiritual formation

52:59 - Value of sabbath

56:34 - Guilt around sabbath

1:00:47 - More than a day of rest

1:04:46 - Sabbath as delight

1:07:00 - Challenges of technology

1:17:55 - A communal practice

1:24:24 - Credits

Links from news segment:

“Worm spit could be a secret cure to the world’s plastic problem” (Inverse) -

“TAU, HU Scientific Breakthrough: Geomagnetic Fields Reveal Truth of Biblical Narratives” (Jewish Press) -

“Can you laugh at your enemies and love them? Rules for Christian mockery” (The Christian Post) -

Holy Post website:

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20 komentářů

I loved the archeology segment and wanted to reassure Christian it’s not a generational thing (I’m in my early 30’s). It may be a Bible nerd thing though? That’s me at least. I’ve been a Bible teacher my entire adult life in one way or another and I was able to teach the historical background of many of the books at a school in Canada for 5 years. One of my favourite books to teach was Obadiah and have done a few deep dives studying the Edomites. This little section of the episode made my nerd heart very happy! Thanks for finding it, Phil! Having a light shine on my very niche interest was super fun.

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Jen Manlief
Jen Manlief
06. 11. 2022

I was very concerned to hear that Katelyn is apparently recording fear mongering political ads? (and based on the example used, participating in spreading misinformation?). Can we get some clarification on that?

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Jen Manlief
Jen Manlief
10. 11. 2022
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Thanks- I realized after the fact I wasn't sure which was on, and didn't see it in the show notes.

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Mark Norman
Mark Norman
04. 11. 2022

Responding to the post below.

Q: When Skye said he hypothetically might not buy a Tesla because Mr. Musk tends to be a troll, does that make him part of a “cancel mob”?

A: No.

Q: Did “San Francisco culture warriors” ever buy and operate Twitter?

A: No.

Q: Does Disney’s opposition to a poorly-constructed law that disenfranchises some of their employees and customers constitute a “shocking value”?

A: No.

Q: Is anyone criminalizing speech of any kind in this country?

A: No - If you disagree, please provide the criminal statute you’re referring to.

Q: Are the “elites” (A) demonized minorities, (B) those who attempt to follow the example of Christ by walking alongside those in group A, or…

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12. 12. 2022
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It looks like "San Francisco culture warriors" were indeed running twitter!!

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04. 11. 2022

Skye, it is disconcerting, for multiple reasons, that you would consider joining the cancel mob because you aren't sure about supporting Elon Musk. You seemed OK doing business with Twitter when the San Francisco culture warriors were running the place. And you've never talked about not doing business with Disney, for instance, over their shocking values, and in fact have criticized DeSantis for fighting back. So, which values bother you and which do not?

Even more importantly, don't you realize that the speech which the cultural elites want to ban is beginning to include expressions of Christain values? Are you unaware that Western Europeans governments are criminalizing speech that criticizes the sexual values of the majority? I cannot tell i…

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Jen Manlief
Jen Manlief
06. 11. 2022
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It's not "cancel mob" to choose to buy or not buy products based on the character of who is selling them- it's free market capitalism. That's how it works- people buy products they believe in from people they believe in, that's literally what marketing is about, and Musk believe's he is marketing himself well. He is, to some people, and he's absolutely marketing himself poorly to others. While Skye hasn't talked about not doing business with Disney because of their values- lots of other people have- that's how the free market works. You spend your money, or don't, based on your values. Everyone else has that opportunity as well.

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03. 11. 2022

To speak to Ruth and Skye’s discussion re screens and college students … As an elder millennial who can remember life without screens and yet is generally a fan of them, I’m gonna push back a little. First of all, this is coming from someone who for a while drank all the anti social media Kool-Aid. I’ve ditched both Twitter and Facebook successfully. I’ve got rid of all social media several times for months at a time, and guess what? Life is the same, just a little more boring. Not the good kind of creative boring, just everyday humdrum-ness born of lack of exposure to others’ creative ideas. So I got back on to Instagram and YouTube, and won’t get…

To se mi líbí
05. 11. 2022
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You make many good points, and I’ll think more deeply about about them. We may end up agreeing to disagree on this issue generally, but thanks for your thoughtful response.

FWIW, I agree with you re introversion. But as I’m sure you’re aware given your example, it’s exhausting to act contrary to your nature all the time. If Sabbath would include an element of ‘parallel play’ as it’s often termed, it might be easier for introverts.

I get that there are big challenges for families trying to Sabbath that single people don’t face, and I didn’t mean to minimise that. (My work is effectively in family ministry, as I work for a Christian charity which supports families.) However, my…

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