What’s the correct definition of “woke”? What do Christians in the global south think about sexuality and gender? Biblically, when does life begin? When was America a Christian nation?
In this special episode, Phil and Skye respond to voicemails left by Holy Post listeners. Some are serious and others are silly. Plus, additional thoughts about the conservative movement from Episode 519. And, Phil explains why he feels like a celebrity Norwegian walrus named Freya.
0:00 - Intro
Animal News 1:40 - Freya the walrus 3:43 - Dead spider claws
Voicemail Q&A 5:43 - Q&A intro 7:05 - Angie: What does "woke" even mean? 15:53 - Brandon: How to describe what the Holy Post is doing 22:51 - Crisanne: Christians in the global south on sexuality/gender 30:54 - Dave: Finding community 33:16 - Greg: What are you looking forward to? 35:33 - Josh: Wise media consumption 42:27 - JT: What buddy duo are Skye and Phil? 45:41 - Lucas: Asian Americans in evangelical leadership 51:08 - Natalia: When was America ever a Christian nation? 57:46 - Nick: Biblically, when does life begin? 1:04:07 - Terry: Jesus showing up in 2022
Wrap-up 1:10:55 - Additional thoughts on the conservative movement from episode 519 1:21:30 - Credits
Stories and resources mentioned: Freya the walrus- https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/freya-the-walrus-norway-sinking-boats-rcna40174
Dead spider claws - https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/scientists-use-dead-spiders-to-grip-objects-180980498/
"The Great Awokening" (Vox) - https://www.vox.com/2019/3/22/18259865/great-awokening-white-liberals-race-polling-trump-2020
The Lausanne Covenant - https://lausanne.org/content/covenant/lausanne-covenant
What in the World? Episode 1: The Kingdom of God - https://www.holypost.com/post/what-in-the-world-episode-1-the-kingdom-of-god-with-ruth-padilla-deborst
Voxology Podcast (Mike Erre) - https://voxologypodcast.com/
The Movie Proposal Podcast - https://www.holypost.com/movie-proposal-podcast
Holy Post episode 519: How Reaganism Won the Church & Skye's New Book - https://www.holypost.com/post/episode-519-how-reaganism-won-the-church-skye-s-new-book
"What If Jesus Was Serious About the Church?" - https://amzn.to/3PNlVI6
Holy Post website: https://www.holypost.com/ Holy Post Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/holypost
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Im behind listening to the podcast so I’ve just listened to this one. The discussion about what would Jesus say to us now was of great interest to me. A song I know from years ago touches on this topic.
The question really isn’t what Jesus would say (we have that in scripture and no reason to believe it would be different) but rather what would our response to what He says would be. Check out the lyrics.
If Jesus would not have come when He did
But was born to be alive here today instead
We might be surprised by the way He would live
And the people He would heal and forgive
I hypothesize He would be…
I’m just going leave this here. . . Pinky and the Brain
Freya has been euthanized; I guess our works will need trial-by-fire after all, trial-by-Freya is no longer available.
Pretty good episode. The answer to the question about Asian American leaders in Christian organizations was not very useful - too cynical in my view. Should you have done some research or interview these Asian Americans before answering? Fyi, the Bishop of the Episcopal Church is Michael Curry, an African American. Maybe look him up as well?
If Jesus was physically present today would he speak any differently than he did then? Do those who want to listen:
Blessed are the poor in spirit
Blessed are those who morng
Blessed are the meek
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness
Blessed are the merciful
Blessed are the purse in heart
Blessed are the peacemakers
Blessed are the persecuted
And then tell us stories of what those look like in our culture. And maybe that is what we miss the most. We know the stories about good Samaritans, but what re-imaging of those stories shock us to our core the way those stories were heard when Jesus told them?