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Episode 502: Secular Sexual Ethics, Faith, & Autism with Daniel Bowman Jr.

Updated: Apr 1, 2022

The conservative (and maybe Christian?) satire site Babylon Bee has had their Twitter account suspended for giving a trans woman their “Man of the Year” award. Babylon Bee says they’re being punished for speaking the truth, but are they just being mean? And an essay in the Washington Post by Christine Emba says our sexual ethic of consent alone isn’t working. Has she uncovered evidence that our secular culture is more receptive to Christian sexual ethics than we thought?

Then Kaitlyn Schiess talks with author, poet, and English profess Daniel Bowman Jr. about his book, “On the Spectrum: Autism, Faith, & the Gifts of Neurodiversity.” Bowman, who is on the spectrum himself, dispels myths about autism and offers helpful ideas about how we can love those in our families and communities who are neurodiverse. Plus, an update from the Animal News desk.

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News Segment

Sponsor 49:24 - Faithful Counseling

Interview with Daniel Bowman Jr. “On the Spectrum: Autism, Faith, & the Gifts of Neurodiversity” -

50:33 - Interview intro and book overview 54:38 - Loving neighbor 58:32 - Neurodiversity and Own Voices 1:02:56 - Culture making “Culture Making” by Andy Crouch - 1:07:33 - Autism and the church 1:14:55 - Bad Christian stories 1:19:10 - Loving people across space 1:22:29 - End

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May 21, 2022

Hey Phil, it looks like you got misunderstood on twitter. Would it not have been better if those who misunderstood you had just asked you "hey, am I getting you right? Is this really what you meant? Instead, they suggest you positions are reprehensible or stupid. No bueno. Polarization. It seems obvious to me that the healthiest and godliest thing to do would have to talk to you about it and hash it out with you. Josh Daws has a podcast. Maybe he could have invited you to it and asked in good faith, "hey, can you tell me what you mean?" Anyhow, all of the above to say, what they did to you, the HP does to others. You've misrepresented…


May 03, 2022

I could not respond in the thread below. Just trying my luck here Phil. Owen Strachan would probably refuse to have you in his podcast (or many of the guests you have on your podcast) because he probably thinks your views (and the views of your guests) are dangerous. That's 1) funny in a sort of ridiculous way and 2) how echo chambers are created.

On a different note, I think it's fascinating that you are concerned about people at GCC because they think CRT is dangerous while you think Shenvi's views are dangerous. You don't see the irony?

May 09, 2022
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Here are 2 quotes from the French Friday episode that illustrate and support the point I made above (and then a small critique to a statement Skye made) 1) DF says "They should appreciate the diversity of views.. not try to shun them or believe they are a threat to the Christian mission of the college..... We should be wide open to hear thoughtful people..." and "we're going to have to be really open with each other, that's really complicated.. and how are we going to do that.. Christians are going to have different views.. that's normally the start of a conversation not the end of a conversation" And then... what's up with Skye saying this?: "If you believe in rac…


Apr 13, 2022

BTW, Christine Emba's article is the stepping off point for her newly released book "Rethinking Sex: A Provocation". Maybe you guys could check it out OR listen to the interview she gave to Religion News Service's "Saved by the City" podcast.


Apr 11, 2022

I think the idea in the graph below also applies to the HP. If your podcast is ideologically monolithic (and in the context of the culture wars it is and you've agreed it is), you are not having genuine conversations; You are reciting a liturgy.

Phil Vischer
Phil Vischer
May 03, 2022
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We don't platform ideas we think are harmful, and I think some of Shenvi's ideas are harmful. (And Rigney's.)


Apr 04, 2022

I loved the interview with Dr. Bowman so much! I am reading his book out loud with my middle schooler who is on the spectrum - (I am reading all of the book as recommended by the author but there are some parts that deal with adult topics that may not be appropriate for certain ages.)

My son was diagnosed around 7 years old. He spent much of first grade “walking around in a daze” as Dr. Bowman says of his school-aged years. What I loved about this book is that it promotes a view of autism that values the contributions and the perspectives of autistic people. To see the world through my son’s eyes is to be amazed at…

Apr 04, 2022
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It has also been interesting boTH having autistic medical students as an attending on an inpatient pediatrics ward and caring for children with autism. In caring for children with autism, I recognize the extreme fear and panic in being in an unfamiliar situation that I have seen in my son. In particular, I can see that there is a need to remove stimuli, to reduce the amount of times we take vital signs or examine a patient with autism (within the bounds of safe medical care - sometimes we do need to know what the blood pressure is when we are worried about sepsis, for example), but other times I think there is room to reduce the frequency with which…

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