What really happened at the Council of Nicaea? Did Constantine force Christians to declare Jesus as God? Was the Bible invented there? And why does the Nicene Creed still matter today? Esau McCaulley sits down with Dr. George Kalantzis, Professor of Theology at Wheaton College, to clear up the biggest misconceptions about Nicaea, the divinity of Christ, and the role of the early church in shaping Christian belief. They also discuss why the early Romans thought Christianity was too "soft," and how the church resisted the empire.
Lovin' it Esau! Keep on droppin' it.
Brother George, ευχαριστω! You really brought it, brother.
I didn't grow up with the creeds (you can see my profile) but Graham Kendrick's "March For Jesus" soundtracks in the 90s made them real for me. And when George asks, "if you can't affirm all these how...?" -- absolutely.
I didn't grow up with the creeds, but I grew up with their affirmations and my paths only made them more real.
(and no I'm not black, not in the least -- but listening to you for half an hour Esau, brings out my resident linguistic-chameleon -- not appropriation, but acclimatization, not pretension but finding my dimension for ringing and rhyming, wringing the timing out of…