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409: Lessons from Phil's Viral Video on Racism

Updated: Jun 18, 2020

Can a tweet really change anyone’s mind? Do hashtags and slogans help engagement or shut it down? The Holy Post crew discuss what they’re learning about effective communication following the publication of Skye’s op-ed in USA Today and the release of Phil’s viral video on the history of racism.

Also this week, the Supreme Court protects LGBT citizens from employment discrimination. What does it mean for religious organizations? Is there a difference between saying “Black Lives Matter” and supporting the organization with that name? Plus, why is Jerry Falwell Jr. apologizing? If you would like a special opportunity to see Christian’s upcoming film, The Girl Who Wore Freedom, please donate a minimum of $25 here:, and send your receipt to You will then receive further instructions. 


Natalie Pace
Natalie Pace
Nov 13, 2020

Hello! I just discovered the Holy Post this week and started listening starting with your April episodes, so I've been kind of reliving the year, haha. I wanted to echo what Christian said about how Phil should make more video content for adults. I grew up on VeggieTales. (The old, original VeggieTales. My favorite party trick is rattling off the spoken part in "I Love My Lips" as fast as I can.) I'm now 24, and trying to figure out which voices to listen to to process the controversy and division I see around me. When smart, wise, godly people come down on very different sides of an issue, I'm really wary of swinging too far to either side. I…


Ericka J I
Ericka J I
Jul 20, 2020

I agree with Christian and Skye here - remember, your original veggietales fans are now adults and parents. It would be absolutely awesome to not forget about us. We still love that same sense of humor and everything that veggietales was about... I feel like - yes - this video was stepping a foot our way again. We love you Phil!!


Jun 23, 2020


Can you be more specific of whom you are speaking of when you say "those who are opposed to police and criminal justice reform?"

I have yet to meet or see any news of anyone who falls into this category. Take for example Trump and the Republicans- He/they have passed criminal justice reform and have put forth legislation for police reform. I fear that without being more specific you may be creating a straw man or worse insinuating baseless accusations towards fellow American Christians.

God Bless!


Skye Jethani
Skye Jethani
Jun 21, 2020


I recommend David Blight’s excellent biography of Frederick Douglass. He discusses the different factions within the abolition movement and how Douglass broke away from William Garrison and other “disunionists” calling for the end of the Constitution and the Union because they were both birthed in slavery. Douglass was wise enough to realize such an extreme position was alienating many whites who nonetheless abhorred slavery and could become abolitionists. It also fed into the argument made by slave owners that the abolitionists wanted to destroy the country and were opposed to its founding ideals.

Likewise, those who are opposed to police and criminal justice reform will use the most extreme BLM voices to discredit the entire notion of reform as…


Cammy Cook
Cammy Cook
Jun 21, 2020

Really enjoyed the discussion at the end of the episode. I am one of “those people” who is concerned about the BLM organization. I was challenged by Skye’s point about Christians who resisted abolition based on the most extreme voices calling for the dismantling of the constitution. I’d love to know more about where he got that information from. I think it is a wonderful point and I am taking it to heart. I love your take and your voice. Thank you for your faithfulness

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